Mark brings a surprise topic to the How I See It studio this morning: Politics!
This topic can elicit deep feelings of anxiety, anger, fear, fight/flight, and it’s certainly at the top of the charts when it comes to polarization. We have an opportunity (some would say responsibility) to engage this important topic and to encourage honest enlightened conversations that go beyond the surface-level talking points. We take a broad look at a few of these points and highlight many obstacles which make these conversations so difficult. Some questions we discuss:
- How can you find “truth” amid the polarized viewpoints across news outlets and talking heads?
- Is there value in voting straight party line? Is voting independent a waste of a vote?
- Where does the kingdom of God fit in? Does Jesus provide a model for us to follow?
- How can we engage with those who have opposite and equally passionate views on these political subjects?
Listen in as we share how we see it.